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Delivery of Komatsu Dozer D155AX-6 to Forit Contracting

Forit Contracting recently ordered and took delivery of a Komatsu D155AX-6 Dozer.  Forit Contracting is one of MMI Zimbabwe (Pty) Ltd’s long-standing customers who have regularly been utilising MMI’s service facilities. 

%focuskw Delivery of Komatsu Dozer D155AX-6 to Forit ContractingThis dozer was prepared at Komatsu’s Pinetown, KwaZulu Natal premises and uplifted from there towards the end of September.  Thereafter it was brought to the ENB Logistics’ yard in Johannesburg to be moved onto a more suitable truck for the export delivery.  The truck’s departure was delayed due to the road embargo over the 4 (four) days of the September 2020 long weekend.

The Komatsu D155AX-6 has been purchased to join the fleet of equipment working on the Beitbridge to Harare road project.  As Forit Contracting is currently working at the Beitbridge end of the project, it was a quick trip to the delivery point after the truck crossed the border into Zimbabwe.

MMI’s Managing Director, Goliath Gwese, was on-site to supervise the off-loading and handover of the unit to Forit Contracting on the 2nd October 2020.