20 Aintree Road, Highlands, Harare, Zimbabwe | +263 8683005303 |

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MoJo Motor Industries (MMI) is a private limited company registered in Zimbabwe. From October 2019, MMI is an official Zimbabwe dealer of Japanese yellow equipment manufacturer, Komatsu, having taken over from the previous dealer, Loadagropower. MMI has entered this space with the strong belief of promoting the renowned brand of Komatsu into different significant sectors of the Zimbabwe economy – mining, construction, agriculture, forestry and quarries.

As the Zimbabwe economy has started showing positive signs for international and regional investors in the mining sector, as well as with the increasing government rebuilding of country’s infrastructure and agriculture, MMI’s aim is to ensure a stable supply of quality equipment, i.e. dozers, excavators, graders, crushers and dump truck machinery, as well as spare parts, consumables, service and maintenance for our customers. MMI carries stock in both – Harare (Zimbabwe) and Johannesburg (South Africa).

Our management, service, front and back office teams consist of experienced automotive industry experts with both Zimbabwe and international experience. For example, our Managing Director, Mr. Goliath Gwese, has been working in the yellow metal sales industry of Zimbabwe for over 25 years, whilst, our Head of Service and Maintenance, Mr. Kupakwashe Mhembere, who has been certified by Komatsu, has been working as a lead mechanic in both Zimbabwe and other African countries, for over 10 years, with various yellow metal brands, including Komatsu. Therefore, our approach to the yellow metal market in Zimbabwe is well-rounded and innovative. We know that our clients need to get value for money and which is why we offer them our high-end yellow equipment products at competitive market prices.

Should you have more questions about MMI, please contact us.